News :::: Mutilated Records ::::
… We are very excited to start the pressing process of our compilation Spreading The Sickness Vol.III that counts with the participation of great extreme metal bands like Internal Suffering , Severe Torture, Disavowed , Brodequin, Carnivore Diprosopus Masacre(Oficial) CBT, Internal Bleeding , Regurgitation, Hypoxia , Disgorge Band . Among others.
More news on this brutal compilation coming soon.
Cover Artwork by: Tony Koehl
… Estamos muy emocionados de inicar el proceso de prensaje de nuestro compilado Spreading The Sickness Vol.III que cuenta con la participación de grandes bandas del metal extremo como Internal Suffering, severe torture, disavowed, brodequin, Carnivore Diprosopus, Masacre, CBT, internal Bleeding, Hypoxia, Disgorge mex. Entre otras.
Pronto mas noticias de éste brutal compilado